The Orthodox Church of St. Vlasiy, Elenite


The Orthodox Church of St. Vlasiy was built exactly on the spot, where from ІІІ to ХVІІ century existed an ancient monastery which was devastated from the Ottomans in ХVІІ century.

The temple is dedicated to the holy martyr St.Vlasiy, Sevastiyski bishop, who lived in the area Cappadocia, nowadyas Turkey. Vlasiy suffered lots of martyrdom, after he was inhumanitial tortured in 316, during the reign of Likiniy. Just before his head was reached by the sword, he prayed for the whole wide world and for those who will worship his memory.

Part of the Saint relics was transmitted by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Yordan Dinev and the director of the National Museum of History Prof. Bozidar Dimitrov. They brought the relics to Istanbul.